i just bought cherry credits card and saw toribash on the list of games that can be used with it.and just played it
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
Wikipedia when I was reading an article called Ragdoll physics
I believe that gathering all toribashians and taking over is EPIC PHAIL!
I believe that taking over by gathering all toribashians is EPIC WIN!
Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
My brother found it on funmotion.
I think the version was 2.6 then.

i found it on fun-motion too!
I Was Looking at some Gmods Videos on Youtube and then i Felt on a Toribash video and then i Went on Google to see what it looked like. xD
From a gaming magazine, indie games section, it was version 1.6 when I was reading it and I started playing, and never stopped
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