Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by DONKEY View Post
Because it sucks.

Agree, also, those people that left from this clan, good luck, stay aweome.
Dude I was one of the leaders of this clan.
It sucked and now sucks worse.

User infracted for useless post. If you don't like the clan, don't post in it.

Any more posts in this thread will result in further infractions.

Last edited by Gynx; Aug 10, 2014 at 09:45 AM.
father of philip scone
Fuck off.

You didn't even show a reason for you quitting, your usertile gives an accurate portrayal of your personality, now leave.
Okay, I'm sorry guys and I love Cheat and all, but I think I have to leave at this point.
I'm leaving the clan, but I don't want to leave the friendships that I've made to end as-well.
I would have stayed if it was only Dragon and Donkey who left,
but seeing as a clan tends to follow their leaders, Cheat is dying.
I love to be in clans, but I hate to see them die.

Sorry Cheat, <3 U.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
This is some deep shit doe. As I already said, this clan could probably be saved, if the members would have trust in it and stay as long as they can. But that doesn't seem to happen.
yep, people are jerks, and Mind just left so this clan is going away fast, but hopefully luck will turn over
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky