View Poll Results: What do you think of the quality of ThatOneGuy's textures?
Wow, These are amazing I just love them!
19 Votes / 26.39%
Woah, these are pretty cool.
23 Votes / 31.94%
I dont really care...
13 Votes / 18.06%
Jeez... These could really use some work...
6 Votes / 8.33%
Ugh, they are so sickeningly ugly I cannot continue to look at the page!
11 Votes / 15.28%
Voters: 72. You may not vote on this poll
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Umm.... How about...


Uh... Ive never sold a head...

How about 3500?

I made another one too
<see first post>
Last edited by ThatOneGuy; Oct 26, 2008 at 05:40 AM.
Originally Posted by ChuckKills View Post
ya i'll take that "X" one if u put Chuck Kills on the back! (and add dark grey eyes plz...if u can...)

how much would it cost?

So sorry didnt even see that post. Yea I will work on that I cant do it today but will get on it tomorrow. Do you want the Chuck Kills with a space, font color, size, possibly stroked, and what font (I could put it in the Toribash font). It would cost 2000, 2k, toricredits.
This is more of a bump than anything else. I will get started on Chuck Kills' texture when I get back, I have got to go somewhere today.
But Afroninja, what does a shoop da whoop hand look like?