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3k MMR is normal. its the point where you have a grasp on the game and its heroes.

Originally Posted by eazi View Post
I've been trying out safe lane ember spirit and its pretty awesome.

You basically rush a linken's sphere and phase boots then you go for double battle fury. If the game hasnt ended you start farming crits.

(trash tier mmr btw )

linkens too expensive, just go drums instead. gives you the stats you need in the early game.
you have flame guard already, you dont need more magic protection and you're not a front liner, its a waste to invest 4000+ gold in it.
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Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
wait normal is 3.2k mmr?

i'm 2.3k mmr

it's fine. just keep playing games (CM with friends for optimal results) and you'll get out of your tier soon enough.

Originally Posted by eazi View Post
I've been trying out safe lane ember spirit and its pretty awesome.

You basically rush a linken's sphere and phase boots then you go for double battle fury. If the game hasnt ended you start farming crits.

(trash tier mmr btw )

don't rush linken's on ember, it's not worth buying as a first item. drums is really good on him, as bendover said.

also, don't get attack speed items.

some people like buying arcs with ember, i don't get it?
yeah ok
Originally Posted by Luminusian View Post
some people like buying arcs with ember, i don't get it?

arc = mael/mj?

If so then it's for the proc
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
if thats arcane boots on mid, those people should uninstall doto.
if its arcanes on a dual lane thats not the primary carry, then sure i guess, might work. spam dat jump chains. not ideal, but still usefull.

mjolnir/mael is actually quite nice on him, its more effective aoe than battlefury atleast. lightning jump range is mad, the lightning shield stacks with flameguard and makes him more useful when he's not jumping around.
its a nice item to "man up" with.
also, its a nice variation to the standard bf bf crits crits build that you see on every ember everytime he's picked.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 13, 2014 at 08:45 PM.
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2.9k mmr is like a hell, it's like the matchmaking won't let you advance over 3k, despite I already know how everything works.
Cba to start fresh from a new acc actually, is it worth it?

Also, I've been lots of skadi embers around. I totally dislike that item on him, despite I love skadi even on heroes like clinkz. Shouldn't manta ->deso be better if he wants stats that much?
Last edited by Tinerr; Aug 13, 2014 at 11:49 PM.
would never take skadi over one of his other core items, but its a nice late game item, lots of hp, lots of mana, the stats work nicely with the battlefury regen and slow on melee heroes is >>
if you can slow the whole team down with a nice jump it makes for a great teamfight if your team doesnt have much hard lockdown.

as for starting a new account, ranked is overated.
knowing your MMR is cool and all, but not essential, everyone knows the system is flawed anyway. the initial first 10 games is the only point you get any sort of skill evaluation, after that its all win/loss based.
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manta -> deso on ember? Deso is kind of a waste of UAM in my opinion since he will be using fist a lot, and he's not much of a base wrecker. Manta isn't very useful either because his damage is from his spells essentially, and they can easily see who it is.

I'd go boots -> bracer -> phase then if you are having an easy time and have space to farm go perseverance -> bf, otherwise make your choice between void/health/drums next then bf.

Though if you are playing as more of a ganker than carry, I like poison orb drums, and depending on the situation going vlads is cool, though I don't see it often. You can heal a lot from your fists with lifesteal, and the regen is nice. You do need a lot of mana regen on him, that's part of why bf x 5 is so good.

I always thought getting MKBs is good too because all the ministuns is funny.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
you have flame guard already, you dont need more magic protection and you're not a front liner, its a waste to invest 4000+ gold in it.

The stats and the regen that linkens gives you are great. plus its really useful against teams with silences and single target stuns. If you're free farming i think its much better than drums + bkb.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
the initial first 10 games is the only point you get any sort of skill evaluation, after that its all win/loss based.

Also, im pretty sure you're wrong here. The first 10 calibration matches take your normal mmr as a starting point. You get mmr for every normal match you play and its based on stuff like hero damage, tower damage, gpm, xpm, stun duration, slow duration etc.
Thats why you see people with huge difference in their mmr even with the same win/loss in their calibration matches.

I dont have any direct source but there are lots of mmr experience examples in you can check out.
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Deso is a good choice for ember, cuz u can decrease whole enemy team armor with only one jump
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