Christmas Lottery
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Sellin my actve for 37,500TC. It may sound crazy but I didn't want to sell it in the first place which is why my offer is so high.

Take it or leave it, no haggle.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Sellin my actve for 37,500TC. It may sound crazy but I didn't want to sell it in the first place which is why my offer is so high.

Take it or leave it, no haggle.

Just straight out.
Lets accumulating market/shop price for each item from highest one.

512 head : 19,700 tc
hunter force : 13,000 tc
hunter usertext : 2,000 tc

19,700 + 13,000 + 2,000 = 34,700 tc

And you were wanted to for solid 37,500 tc.
Lol, good luck at selling them for ridicously overprice than accumulation price.