Original Post
Add a New rule about bumping in the Market board.
( I'm guilty of this too )
noticed more and more people abuse the current rule "You can Bump your own thread 24 hours after your last post " by basically quoting an offer they gotten , and saying stuff like " thx for the offer, but I'm looking for more". So not only do they have a bump thx to the offer, but they also get to bump their own thread <
24 hrs after their last post.

Example :
time 0 = seller : hey i'm selling this head blabla
10 min later = buyer 1 : i offer 1k
2 hours later = seller : hey thanks but i'm looking for more << that shouldn't be allowed imo.

I don't think it's fair to other sellers.
Last edited by kremline; Aug 18, 2014 at 01:58 AM.
I might come back soon, stay tuned !
Wait they quote the last post they got? Or do they quote an offer on the thread from a past time?
Are you saying the market needs to be stricter? A lot of people say thanks for legitimate reasons. It would be weird making that a meme/rule.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Oh I see now. I do that too but its not like its a bad thing. I just wait a while after the last post so if needs be, I can bump my thread before the 24 hour mark. I just give people a chance to post offers and if nobody does, I just post something on topic to get a nice bump. Don't see why this shouldn't be allowed.
Lol I do it too. It's more strategy if anything, and do you really want even stricter rules and more infractions? I think not...
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Everyone's done this at some point.
If you tell people that they can't use responding to offers as ways to bump their threads to enhance their profit, they'll just find different ways to bend the rules.
I did this when I first joined, its been around for ages, changing these rules would just bring on waves of pointless infracts and mindless rage.