Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Who should be the new assaulter ? (KnC) ONLY
1 Votes / 11.11%
7 Votes / 77.78%
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

IGN name:14kslacker
Belt: Brown
The mods you are good at/you play the most: Aikido And Ninjutsu
Previous clans:Paradox
The country you are from: AMURICA!!!
Some replays of yours: Dont have any uploaded
Why do you wanna join us:Seems like a clan in my league
Tell us a little about yourself: Sorry but i am the mysterious type sorry bout that
belt 2nd dan black belt
best mods:aikido ,ABD,mushu,wushu,greykido
mods i play the most:mushu aikido,ABD,greykido
previous clan:monk,gravity,flip
Attached Files
#reaguyjo-diemebert.rpl (33.1 KB, 3 views)
#reaguyjo-no dismembert.rpl (68.8 KB, 2 views)
#real boom kick2.rpl (38.5 KB, 3 views)
Nothings gonna get I'm my way.if they do speak for your last words....
IGN name: Blazeir
Belt(Minimum belt is black):4th dan
The mods you are good at/you play the most:abd,mushu, im ok at lenshu
Previous clans:H, all other clans are from 2010
The country you are from:Canada
Some replays of yours:
Why do you wanna join us:Because i think this clan has potential and i would like to be apart of it. Plus i like to kill then chill :>
Tell us a little about yourself: My name is Trevor, Im canadian obviously, Im pretty sure most of you have seen me IG before, Im really tall irl and im a pretty decent player :>
Attached Files
Blaze it - New Styles.rpl (94.6 KB, 4 views)
Blaze it - HeadDeath.rpl (57.9 KB, 2 views)
belt: 10th dan black belt
my best mod aikido bigdojo and wushu
previous clan: blue ninja,orbit,kira,and animie
from the philipines
argh, cant understand wat next.