Original Post
(Ember) Embers
well they say a ember can ignite a flame and that flame becomes fire if you want to become fire then you must face the difficultys that accociate with those hardships
creating a clan wont happen over night if you want it to be succesful then stick with the clan and help it grow
your members are there to help youasking for help dosent make a bad leader it makes the right kind of leader someone willing to ask for advice
even i ask for help when i dont know something trust me embers will grow you just have to make the time to help it grow
thanks for every thing guys

Withhold ignorance - Look at the cause and effect of what your going to do.
Respect Self and Other Players - Don't insult player nor your self.
Follow the Rules and Guidelines of Toribash - Self explanatory.
Listen to Respected Clan Officials - Clan officials are here to help not babysit.
Have fun! - Simple but important.