Jooker I didn't mean to argue I just wanted to point out some stuff but i'll stop now :/ Sorry Jooker
Dj i'm sorry. I sincerely apologize to you and Jooker
And again thank you guys for letting me back into FC despite my mistake
On 2nd thought we should give Dj a second chance. People change like I did. I made mistakes that could've ruined FC's name too. I'm changing my vote to yes but please don't mute/kick/ban people in Clan Wars or fight with other clans because they lifted or something and if they say stuff like "I raped your mom" or something like that just screenshot it and report it to their Clan Leader then ignore them so they look bad instead of you and in that sense you win
I believe you can be good Dj, now you just gotta make the rest of the community believe ;)
BTW I saw how well you managed everyone trying to push your buttons yesterday
Last edited by Merc; Aug 26, 2014 at 05:34 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump