Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Plz do, I want a sexy avatar

I just discovered something a few days ago. In the gaming universe, the only fanboys that exist are...PS4 FANBOYS! Well, not psychologically but more of the way they show it.

In every video I have watched on PS4 vs Xbox. You get a shit load of PS4 fans who feel the need to hate on Xbox as they write their comment. Such as 'PS4 has better tech stuff, much sweg. Xbox sucks'. Add the Xbox supporters type something such as 'I don't care about spec, I still love my Xbox'. ITS TRUE TOO! I would say there are a few PC fanboys but we call them PC Elitists.

Sorry if any of you have a PS4 or PS3 or whatever but look for yourself. I was even watching some videos on the Xbox youtube channel and there where a few comments from PS4 fanboys who came over to hate. Us Xbox players don't really have anything to hate about on the PS4. While PS4 can hate on the one thing we don't have...which is like 1 less tech thingy they have that we don't ;(


oops wrong slogan.


none of these are actually accurate...ahh fuck it.

I'd summarize fanboys as people that are stubborn.
cage the gargoyle
Pretty much.

Especially the fanboys who hate on another a version of a game which is part of a series of another game they like. For example, you have the Battlefield BC2 fanboys who say it is the best Battlefield yet. Then you have the Battlefield fanboys in general who are saying Dice rushed into BF4 while developing another Battlefield game. Little do they know Battlefield Hardline was in development since around BF3's release and it was made by a different studio and not the same studio they made BF4 in -_-. And if they are going to complain about Dice developing two games at once, they are missing out Mirrors Edge 2, which has many movements which were put into Battlefield.

Same goes for Halo. Many Halo fanboys saying Halo 3 was the best Halo and Halo 4 and Halo 5 & Halo 2 anniversary will ruin it...are you kidding me! All Halo 2 anniversary is Halo 2 with better graphics! No gameplay change at all. And its even worse when you understand this: If Bungie and 343 decided to keep the same Halo 3 gameplay throughout all the Halos it would get boring really fast. I don't want to be playing a Halo 5 game thats exactly like Halo 3 when I could simply be playing Halo 3 for a cheaper price.
when I wake up.... I guess start up my computer then eat breakfast and then bathroom stuffs

also made this <3

i iz artist

should've made better letters but whatever
cage the gargoyle
I never ate breakfast in a year D: omg looks sexy tho

Hey Kradel I have an s5 haha I always turn off my System sound #FuckThatBubbleSwag
Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
I never ate breakfast in a year D: omg looks sexy tho

Hey Kradel I have an s5 haha I always turn off my System sound #FuckThatBubbleSwag

skipping breakfast is really bad tho ;o
if I don't eat it I can't even walk up the stairs ;_;
EDIT: Changed the letters, added a light and a border


Last edited by Melqart; Aug 30, 2014 at 05:58 AM.
cage the gargoyle
Mel, I like but why the black background? And remember you tube won't fit all of that on :3. I want a blue/white color scheme.

When I wake up I play my Xbox or go on my phone.
I also can't believe Rai closed my thread...This bullshit bot keeps sending me porn advertisements and how they got my number, I don't know. All I wanted was somebody to help me out but he closes the thread with 'serves you right for touching yoursekf' and it had nothing to do with masturbating. If anybody else gets these, how do I stop it? Even on a new phone I still get these, so annoying!
I am so sad , i wanna play in the schoolband but i don't have somebody to bring me because i have school+ i have to take my guitar and amp with me :l