Oh come on Megadoomer. This is so silly. Personally i think this is ridiculous, most elaborate item grab attempt ever. The logic with your post is non-existent and there are big holes in your story. Also, do you spell really badly on purpose?
Megadoomer: no i dun spel lik tis on purpos, ur just a dikhed nd i dnt ned tis. delet yougblood pl0x
I expected this kind of lashback, and you know what? Seeing all your reactions are funny. The shit is hitting the fan, and ya know what? I threw that shit, and Dalir provided me with said shit.
+Gullible points for Stupinator and the rest.
Bombdigidy: Right on
Dalir: Right on
Hector: Right on
But oh well, its easier to be hated rather then loved. Its easier to keep up.