Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post

let this die! JUST STOP!

It's nice that you pretend to care and all, but, you're just acting silly by rebumping this yourself everytime someone posts an honest opinion. I should say I'm sorry for the picture, but I'm not, I had fun making it. Make a big deal out of it if you wish to, or you could just shut up yourself and let this go down into the shadows. I think using your mothers "death" in order to get items is pretty insensitive and immoral, don't you?
Last edited by dalir; Oct 27, 2008 at 12:38 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Get a job, get your colours; Then kill yourself. Seriously, who thinks about games when someone that they care for dies. Also your spelling makes my eyes bleed.
GrayMario: You dont say "FUCK YEAH" when you own a newbie!

Well off on the wrong foot again.

I'd take the comments (whether grieving or otherwise) as such.

You can't tell me that people in a wake all say good things to the person who died or to his/her family. Again, do what you will. It is your case. Don't expect EVERYONE in a community to mourn with you.

@Dalir and Youngbl00d: yeah it IS a lowblow but you are entitled to express whatever =)
Dalir, seriously, I care because I'm his friend, When someone dies it isn't something to mock, and that image was completely uncalled for.

He posted this why? for support, not to get mocked

bombdigity, that was a complete asshole post.
Former Item Forger
Oh come on Megadoomer. This is so silly. Personally i think this is ridiculous, most elaborate item grab attempt ever. The logic with your post is non-existent and there are big holes in your story. Also, do you spell really badly on purpose?

Megadoomer: no i dun spel lik tis on purpos, ur just a dikhed nd i dnt ned tis. delet yougblood pl0x

I expected this kind of lashback, and you know what? Seeing all your reactions are funny. The shit is hitting the fan, and ya know what? I threw that shit, and Dalir provided me with said shit.

+Gullible points for Stupinator and the rest.

Bombdigidy: Right on
Dalir: Right on
Hector: Right on

But oh well, its easier to be hated rather then loved. Its easier to keep up.
Co Leader of Hell-Razor
while you insist on calling him a liar, I'll continue standing up for what's morally right.

why don't you grow a heart, and realise what he's going through.

you don't have to see real friends for them to be there when the time counts.
Former Item Forger
Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
while you insist on calling him a liar, I'll continue standing up for what's morally right.

why don't you grow a heart, and realise what he's going through.

you don't have to see real friends for them to be there when the time counts.

Okay, whatever. You get on your moral high horse and stick up for this guy.

Ill tell you what hes going through. Hes going through 27,000tc which he didn't rightfully earn.

And then on the other hand. So what? What if i'm wrong and he really IS going through this tragedy?

If he cares so much that a bunch of people on an INTERNET FORUM called shenanigans and he doesn't get a few items ( and those few items are keeping him from goddamn suicide ) this guy needs to sort out his fucking priorities.
Co Leader of Hell-Razor