Originally Posted by vLiKx View Post
I meat some Aeon mates in a TB lobby

oooh kinky
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Hiya, I'm Shadow, or Zach, if you prefer. I'm a seventeen year old 3rd dan from the United States (North Carolina, to be more specific).I was in Z Fighters for all of a day, and other than that, no special skills/history. I have played with plenty of the Aeon dudes for about a week or two now. So far I've met Fluxen, Chirs, TheAnimal, Skylarr(though, not too much), Rumour, and abyss. I play csgo with Rumour often (he's a skrub), and call with Fluxen and Chirs semi-often as well. I thought after playing with you guys often enough, I'd make the plunge and actually join. So, uh, yeah.



Also, I forgot to add the bit about activity. I'm more of a lurker when it comes to the forum. I'm always on, but I rarely make threads/posts. I've tried to do the IRC thing, but no one is ever on when I go on, if I go on. I'm also on toribash 90% of the time.

Also, here's my steam: Pbbbbbbbbbbbbt
Last edited by NotShadow; Sep 3, 2014 at 12:13 AM.
I like you, even though American accents suck(<3), but, if you could post around the aeon forum more that'd be lovely and I'd give a yeeees.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post

If you don't accept NotShadow I'm making abyss leave.

hi abyss

hi grad

Also yes to Not.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
haha Nice to see you in here Shadow

@Gradeger don't worry ;)
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