Christmas Lottery
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[TEX] Abstract Eye
This is a 512x512 head texture that I've spend some time working on in Photoshop. Originally, I accidentally stumbled across the technique I used to make it, I was just fiddling around with filters and how they worked together...then I found a cool combination of filters and started working with them. And so, I started drawing and applying my newfound technique.
So...for a simple abstract head, what do you think? I was going for a general eye shape using the whole head, but without going into too much detail.






It's not quite complete, I still plan on adding something to the very center on the back to fill that little void area...but other than that, I like to keep things symmetrical and single.

I was just wondering if anyone else liked the art style on it other than myself, and if there's any suggestions of things to add, feel free to tell me. Thank you for your time!
i feel like "abstract" is just an excuse for some people to call it something that it looks literally nothing like the art
i cant see how this is an eye at all
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Existential...people like you make the Toribash community just suck.
I've never used Gimp before and this isn't some 2 filters that were rag-tagged together.
Tyzi, I appreciate you at least stating an opinion that was slightly helpful. Basically, abstract doesn't appeal to everyone, it's a rather specific art style, and if you don't like it or get it, that's not a problem. Thanks for the input.
You just have to ignore the people that don't try to help at all.

I think it looks cool, a neat outcome from using filters. Using filters and making random/abstract things stretches your experience and there is nothing wrong with that, filters used carefully can make textures even better.

I would try to add in some manual work to see how that turns out. The color is a bit bright, so I would try to pick a cooler color like a light blue or a nice soft green. If those don't look right to you there are some warmer colors like red or orange are always options.

Good luck with finishing the texture, I hope to see more from you. :)
Using filters isn't art.
This is art.

Now if you really want cnc.
Stop using filters.
and actually make something with your own two hands.
Draw it out, you're never going to get good if you use filters, even if you didn't use filters this is atrocious.
Im getting a pretty malicious vibe from your 'CnC' i don't think shoving your own work in someones face proclaiming its 'art' is the right way to go about critiquing art work. Everyone has different tastes and likes and he has a right to do whatever he wants. Imagine some bashing Picasso about his work and he gave up, art history would be a lot different. @Raged i got you komrade <3
Black Emporer MY TEXTURE SHOP:
@Rumour: I appreciate your input man, it's definitely good advice. I just like using yellow because I'm color bIind and yellow is the most noticeable color for me. I agree it's bright, but hey, I like it.
@King4life: Thanks man, I'm glad that there are people like you that have my back, Komrade. If you ever need help with anything in any way, you know I'll be there for you brother.
@Dipshit (existential): Other than being a dick, you're not doing anything to be helpful in any way. So do the Toribash community a favor and stop posting, at least on my forums anyway.
Okay so seeing as you got bashed p hard, I'll try to give a comment that isn't ignorant. To be quite honest, both of you are being just that. Let me tell you the essence of abstract art.

Abstract art is the art that uses color, shapes and composition in a way that it does not directly resemble anything. It can sometimes still slightly look like something (eg Picasso's work), or it can be intended to look like nothing (eg Malevich's black square). Because abstract art can't be referenced to the physical world, the only things that can distinguish good from bad abstract art is how well it was thought about. This sometimes requires an explanation, or even references of work made in the past to understand the artist's meaning with that painting/drawing/texture.

You quite obviously didn't take this into account when making this. I understand that you're not a professional artist, but the way you defended yourself is now invalid. One, because there is no reason for the composition as it is and two, because you appear to not have reasoned about abstract art enough to see that just telling others "you think it sucks because it's abstract" has literally no ground point.

So yeah. I could add more, but I think my explanation of what makes abstract art good abstract art would be enough for now. I might add that the one thing I did like is the yellow. It's a personal color because of your color blindness (given you weren't lying because internet and lack of background) and therefore adds at least some personality to your drawing. If you could make the rest up to par that'd be pretty great, but so far you quite clearly haven't.
RagedDemon, I like your head. Dont listen to anyone that says its not art when everyone in this game uses anime like heads. I like how you made something interesting and i hope you expand with the head and make a whole set. Keep on making creative heads and dont be discouraged by others.