View Poll Results: If Jooker leaves what do we do?
Zen becomes leader and we revive FC
8 Votes / 33.33%
We declare the clan dead and we all leave
16 Votes / 66.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll
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Don't worry GDubs i'm not permabanned. It's just a 5 day ban until the 24th(Started at the 19th). I lost my cool at a Clan War server with Obey and iPortal.
Ok i'm back(I had no internet for a bit. Probably since my last post here). Anyway to sum up what happened, everyone spammed "FC sux mad cock" and I didn't realize at the time that it was just harmless trolling and I lost my cool and overreacted. And Jooker it really means a lot to me that you haven't kicked me from FC yet :/ I wub u for this and it means a lot to me This 5 day ban has helped me grow as a person and i'm glad it happened
w0w please, Zen's new signature : Yay! Glad to get banned.
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
Ravey i'm not saying "Oh I enjoy being banned I wanna get myself banned again!", i'm saying i'm glad this ban happened because it helped me grow as a person.
hmm im a 13 years old boii lemme go and get maself banned so i could grow upfaster...
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
Omfg I didn't do it on purpouse XD But i'm already banned now so I must as well make the best of it and learn from my mistakes, or do you have a problem with that? XD
And I said grow not grow up. The difference is when I say grow I mean to grow as a person and learn from my mistakes so I do not repeat them. That is completely different from the term grow up which means to physically age e.g. from 13 to 14 which is impossible to be sped up by being banned.
Last edited by ZENKID123; Sep 22, 2014 at 10:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
In reality, he gets banned because he cant follow the rules.

I highly suggest finding another leader if you want FC to go anywhere.