Might I recommend watching "The Chase" [ST:TNG]

yes its Scifi, but its a compelling vision/argument
I don't think we're alone. Not sure about the whole thing with "ALIENS VISIT EARTH TO HAVE CUP OF TEA",
but i do think that there are aliens somewhere in the Universe. Think about it,
there's what, at least a billion stars in our galaxy, and there's at least as many
galaxies, if not more, in the Universe. (10^9)^2. That's a hell of a lot of stars.
Even though the chance of finding aliens might be as small as one in a billion per star,
there's more than enough stars for that chance to ring true. (Note: I do not actually know the chance of finding aliens)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I reckon its almost a certainty they do exist, but i dont think we will ever encounter them ourselves. I dont beleive all the people being abducted crap, we never will see aliens of the sci fi film variety, not plausible. Maybe we will stumble across a cosmic microbe or 2 but i think people just dont look at the science enough on such a sci-fi issue.

Look at the model of humanity, i think we will be long gone before we can see far enough out into space to detect life bearing planets and most certainly before we are able to go there. This i reckon is true of any other intelligent race as well. We and any other race are probably 'designed' to die out before we get too intellegent and start screwing with the very fabric of the universe, or discover god or something haha.

Anyway if there are aliens out there they are just as likely still primordial ooze as they are space-age, and the universe is biiiig. It would be like like looking for a specific proton in hundreds of tons of hay :P

yeesh that was a debate post.. oh well i guess this is sort of a debate without the debate forum rules, il see how it floats as it is
Youshop | Art
Well, considering we are sentient enough to question the very existance of other life, and our race is only a few hundred thousand years old, (when we really started to form) I'd say there are probably a million other races at our stage, probably a lot more advanced, particularly if they were formed earlier.
And what about the possibility of the more advanced races teaching the primitive ones? We are probably so far away, undetected, that they haven't even found us yet, nevermind the possible billions more. It's arrogant to assume that we're the most developed, to put it simply. It boggles the mind as to how many species could be in one galaxy, then look at the video of the Hubble Deep Field, and you see there are literally 10 000 galaxies in ONE PICTURE. 10 000 x how many stars per galaxy? Times planets? Times species?
It's pretty much logically impossible that we are the only life in the universe. The evolutionary forces that made us how we are are not exclusive to Earth. It's nature, and nature is universal.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
I debated this thread
Also,I believe that aliens exist,But i think science is hiding us the truth,Or it was just an idea.
Maybe aliens exist, maxbe they don't. But even if there are aliens, it is very unlikely that we'll meet them. Their civilisation could be extinct by now, for example. I don't care much, frankly. Humans are far more interesting, I doubt I'll get bored with them soon.
Originally Posted by BladeNin
Is he a player or a monster?

Aliens rather exist. But they're not so advanced as humans, maybe lion-like aliens or sth (lol)? It's possible, that there are some ub3r-intelligent aliens, but they're most likely very rare. Else, I don't believe "visit of aliens".

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I believe they exist but in another dimension. They can see us but we can't see them.. Yet.
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.