Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Tex] My new set :D
Hey guys, this is my first post on the art board (but not the art/textures sale board). I decided I wanted to show off my new set! I really like it, and hope you do too. I'll be taking a break from texturing for a while, but I'm happy with my latest creation.

I didn't know what colours I wanted, so I settled for something that not many people have- Velvet. It's a nice purple, but I don't think people buy it because the icon looks pink. Secondary is Typhoon.

Software: Gimp 2.8 (using a mouse).
Pose was taken from one of my replays.

wow, thats impressive, the head feels less detailed compared to the rest but its still really good man. Keep em coming.
Black Emporer MY TEXTURE SHOP:
For the set its 7/10 but for the mouse working nice dude.
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known