Dropping by to quote an article related to the topic. Please take the time to read this if you've taken the time to argue how child beating is correct and/or needed.

Disciplining Your Child Without Beating

Many parents think that beating, slapping or hitting is the correct way to prevent undesirable behaviour or to punish unwanted behaviour among children. Hitting a child is NOT an effective method of parenting. Hitting, slapping, beating, "thumping", pinching or "boxing" a child only reinforces violence. It is abuse.

Some children are afraid of this abuse and it may seem to the parent that this method is working. Unfortunately the only thing that physical punishment teaches a child is that violence is an acceptable way of solving a problem. Some children soon get used to the physical punishment and it means nothing to them. Other children may rebel and act out against this harsh treatment. Sometimes parents cause serious physical and emotional damage to their children when they use corporal punishment.

As an adult, just imagine how you would feel if someone tried to correct your behaviour by hitting you. Your child has feelings just like you do.

Providing discipline and guidance to your child should not mean punishing your child. There are different ways to teach your child the lessons in acceptable behaviour that you want them to learn.

1st - Set the right example for your child. Children learn by example. They watch you and follow what you do. If you set rules, you must also follow them. You must use language that you would want to hear your child use and behave in the way you would want them to behave.

2nd -Let your children help you as you set the rules for the family. Get them involved in deciding what is and is not acceptable and what should be done when the rules are broken. In this way, children will understand clearly what behaviour is required and they will feel that they have a say in the family rules.

3rd - If your child does something wrong, give them a time-out - that is make them sit in a quiet place away from others. A time-out gives you time to cool off and also gives the child time to think about his behaviour. After the time-out discuss the problem with the child.

4th - Taking away something the child likes is another option if your child has misbehaved. You can take away a favourite toy or snack for a time or prevent them from playing with friends for a particular period. Again it is important to have a discussion with the child about his or her behaviour and reinforce what is acceptable in the family and why it is acceptable.

5th -Praise your child when he or she does well. Reward good behaviour and let your child know how proud he or she makes you when they behave well. Show your children lots of love generally to help them feel secure and to build trust. A child who does not trust his parents or does not feel confident enough to talk freely with them can be difficult to deal with.

6th -Spend time with your children. Get to know them. Communicate with them. Try to find out what their concerns and problems are. Encourage them to speak freely with you.

7th - If you feel that parenting is challenging and that you cannot provide discipline for your child, please seek help. There are many counsellors, teachers and social workers who can help you work with your child. Don't resort to hitting or beating. There are other, more effective solutions to the problem.


Kids are still hit with hands, belts, switches and paddles, said Elizabeth Gershoff , an associate professor of human development and family sciences at University of Texas, despite research that shows it doesn't model or teach behavior parents are looking for, that it damages trust between parent and children and that it can lead to increased aggression.

PM me with any and all questions
Ive been hit a few times when I was just a little boy because I was being a dumbass and doing stuff without a second thought of the consequences.

Long story short, I was hit by the male and the female would be there to talk. You can't just hit a kid and expect them to understand, thats half the of the solution. You have to also talk to them, so you could better help them understand the reason behind the punishment and their actions.

Time Outs hardly work, as. Kid in school that's all they could do and that's what I did because I didn't want to do reading mastery or someshit.
Last edited by T0ribush; Oct 6, 2014 at 08:46 PM.
Beating your children isn't ok under any circumstance, no exceptions. Why would you want your kid to fear you and build hatred for you, talk to them and get them to understand and connect with them. Anyone who beats their kids is a scumbag.
Originally Posted by xXExoXx View Post
Beating your children isn't ok under any circumstance, no exceptions. Why would you want your kid to fear you and build hatred for you, talk to them and get them to understand and connect with them. Anyone who beats their kids is a scumbag.

Beatings have worked on children since the dawn of time. Only now are people starting to think that it's child abuse. just so long as there are no long-term marks (scars, heavy bruises{light bruises are fine}), physical discipline is alright with me.

In reference to the original video posted, just as I started to feel a little sorry for him, he pulled out the stolen phones.
Originally Posted by Means View Post
I would only beat him if it was like stealing vandalism drugs etc

Please direct your attention to the sentence above the quote.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Oct 19, 2014 at 04:43 AM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Why is this mother doing this to a kid? Doesn't the mother know that Facebook isn't to watch anything like this? I would never do this to a kid just because he claims to be a gangster, it is just not right.
Humiliation is often a more effective punishment than whippings/beatings/spankings. In this particular case, both were used simultaneously. I highly doubt that he will do this sort of thing again. At the very least, he will attempt to be sneaky about it, most likely get caught again, and receive equal or worse punishment.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
There's humiliation then there's constantly smacking a kid with a leather fucking belt. Maybe one or two and that would be fine but doing 20-ish that's just wrong. the kid got the point after the first 4 for fuck sake. Couldn't they have perhaps done a few then decided to sit and talk.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Originally Posted by smokinonthatKK View Post

Lol, got rekt

When I was a kid, I get hit by mah parents if ever I did bad things. I also got whipped with a belt etc... They do this to their children to teach them never to do it again.

It goes too far when the parent humiliates his/her child. Some parents go too far by beating their children to a pulp ._.

- - - -

They could have had deleted his post tho...
Last edited by Karstnator; Oct 19, 2014 at 04:11 PM.

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
There's humiliation then there's constantly smacking a kid with a leather fucking belt. Maybe one or two and that would be fine but doing 20-ish that's just wrong. the kid got the point after the first 4 for fuck sake. Couldn't they have perhaps done a few then decided to sit and talk.

As I've said before, it's worked for the last five generations at least. If something ain't broke, don't fix it. Or in this sort of case, if the method of fixing it works, why change it?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.