Re: Who are we all?
Nick: well you guessed it....PsYcHZ
Name: Daniel Zoeller (its German)
Age: 13
Location: South Africa
Profession: Producer (yip i make music)
Music style: DARK Psy-trance
likes: Psy-trance , music , midi controllers , cubase sx , studios , money , hot chicks , case modding , psy-trance , making music , friends , telling people in forums that have over 2000 posts "get a life" , being a moderator (hint hint nudge nudge) , lights , cats , sounds systems , intel , cell phones , psy-trance , funny people , trance parties (like the full moon festival that is 6 days long) , fans , liking things so when i say them in a forum every one gets pissed of because of the amount of likes.
dis-likes: gospel , people that are full of them selfs , dull computers.
Fav artists: Shift , Twisted system , astrix, DNA , 1200 mics.
disliked artists: skazi , protoculter
friends: every one in the whole of toriland except danny_the_manny