Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
He bought something you were selling. How annoying.

Think of selling a good item for 1TC :O
How annoying.

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Think of selling a good item for 1TC :O
How annoying.

It's not like you would put kung fu beard at 1 tc for the 'lolz' and thinking "what could possibly go wrong?"
it's annoying because i can't buy anything from the market if it is cheap because vitaminoo buys everything if it is cheap enough. i want to make some profit too but there is no chance of getting a Good deal at the marketing when you have to "play" against a bot that reloads every second and can be active 24/7
Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post
it's annoying because i can't buy anything from the market if it is cheap because vitaminoo buys everything if it is cheap enough. i want to make some profit too but there is no chance of getting a Good deal at the marketing when you have to "play" against a bot that reloads every second and can be active 24/7

This is a thread asking if market bots are allowed, not for complaining about someone who took the time and effort to put all the torishop API's together and make it efficient for profitable use.
Yes they are allowed, for whatever reason. They were banned in the past though. And yet the subject comes up again. It's almost as if some of the community doesn't like marketing bots.
Last edited by Aracoon; Oct 14, 2014 at 02:20 PM.
Some people don't like them, some people don't mind them. I am the latter. If you are good enough to write one yourself, you should be able to use it.
There is a thread for market policy complaints, some of you might want to use it, if you have some good points and actual arguments.
PS. ,, I don't like" isn't one.