Edit: App including otters
Hey members of TGS, I am Estimax. You can call me Marco or just Esti. I live in the sunny Philippines and have been living here for my whole life. I am 12 years old and started playing Toribash with my original account, MarcoDMan, when I was 7. I am a male. (shocking) My birthday is on July 4 so don't forget to greet me.
I enjoy cubing (solving Rubik's cubes) and penspinning. Now let's get to the important scthuff.
I want to join TGS because it seems, honestly, like a great clan. I don't want to sound like a suck-up, but it's true. I understand that it was made quite recently, and as of now, has evolved into one hell of a clan. You guys have that sort of bond and friendship that I really like in a clan. My former clan [Tint], also had that. I could offer another good personality to this clan and hopefully, a good friend as well. Plus you guys have a cool name. xD
I could go into detail about my tori, but I think that it's not needed here. :P However, if you guys want to know some things about my tori, then I encourage you to ask me about it.
Now enough about me and more about otters.
Last edited by Estimax; Oct 15, 2014 at 06:46 AM.