Original Post
Fortune (Fo) Recruitment thread
Hello! So you want to join our clan? Please make your application here.

We do want your application to be freeformed. Anything other than a freeformed application, will be instantly denied without further information. Just to make sure you read all of what we had to say, please use the word legs somewhere in your app. Please add some detail about yourself and don't forget to mention the stuff we put in the template.

We as a clan (Fortune) will view and discuss your application. When we have an answer for you, we will reply on this thread with a yes or no. Thank you for your time.
Last edited by Vericitti; Oct 18, 2014 at 10:22 PM.
hello my name is tyhazel my skype name ; tyler.hazel10 rank ; 134 im active;10/10 im active on forums;7/10 tricking is my best game mode what can i bring this clan ;to mocuchas channel
In-game Name: Dezires
Name: Rosa
Skype: dont have skype ;-;
Rank: (Rank doesn't really matter, were looking for skill)88640 (i only spar so its bad)
How active are you in-game? 1/10:8/10
How active are you on the forums? 1/10:4/10
What is your best game-mode (Sparring, tricking, parkour, mad mans):Sparring Tricking and Parkour
What would you bring to this clan?: an active sparrer and parkourer that is nice and replays.....i suck at saying what im good at ;-;
5 of your best replays: Not all of these are finished but this is what ive got atm
Extra: well for extra info i am a girl, im technicaly not an alt however i have played on a different account. thats it ^-^
Attached Files
#Dezires - A Spar.rpl (691.6 KB, 7 views)
#Dezires - First Parkour.rpl (544.3 KB, 5 views)
#Dezires - FirstSpar.rpl (556.9 KB, 4 views)
#Dizires - ReParkour.rpl (181.0 KB, 8 views)
0000DanSanSparTricking.rpl (1.05 MB, 7 views)
Last edited by Dezires; Oct 16, 2014 at 12:16 AM.
I'm sorry but you have been denied. Good app but we feel you aren't quite ready for Fortune yet. Maybe once you get some more experience under your belt you can join.
My old alt Obe
I was invited so do I need to make an app?...You need a fricken diamond rank for Christ sakes you are fortune O_O

Attached Files
Parkour-2.rpl (563.2 KB, 10 views)
Tricking-2.rpl (1.36 MB, 6 views)
Tricking-4.rpl (1.18 MB, 7 views)
Tricking-5.rpl (779.2 KB, 7 views)
BabyJ2kr's Application
In-game Name: BabyJ2kr

Name: Samson Bell

Age: 14

Gmt: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Skype: BabyJ2kr (Will show up as "Pretti_Boi_Lleb")

Rank: Unsure

2nd Dan

How active are you in-game? 1/10: 10

How active are you on the forums? 1/10: 5, reasoning behind my scoring on how active I am on the forums is, I don't find topics I'd like to post about so don't use the forums as much but when I do find something I stick to it.

What is your best game-mode: My best game modes would have to be tricking and sparring.

What would you bring to this clan?: I'd hopefully bring my tricking and sparring skills to the clan to further refine them as I play and/or surrounded by the players of fortune. I'd also bring my art making skills to fortune once I get my scanner working properly again.

5 of your best replays: Listed below I'm sorry there is 6 but I added my two remakes of my favorite trickers.
Attached Files
Baby tricking 2.rpl (268.4 KB, 8 views)
Baby vs. Tone.rpl (446.1 KB, 6 views)
Baby vs. Ty.rpl (724.9 KB, 5 views)
BabyJ2kr vs DuhBau5.rpl (844.4 KB, 3 views) <~ Totally not a replay thread; Hi I'm sam