View Poll Results: Who should be the new assaulter ? (KnC) ONLY
1 Votes / 11.11%
7 Votes / 77.78%
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

IGN name: Ceririty
Age: 13
Belt(Minimum belt is black): Black
The mods you are good at/you play the most: mushu, getting back into some abd
Previous clans: Smile, Sirs, The Grid (All in order)
The country you are from: Korea (Don't worry, I came to america when I was less than 6 months old)
Some replays of yours: (Attatched below)
Why do you wanna join us: Well, it has been a long time since I tried to join KnC and I feel like I am skilled enough to do so.
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm from Korea, I love steak, my favorite music is trap, I'm not as active on toribash as I used to be, but I'll get on at least once between two days. Although I won't be on that much, I'll play for a long time before my attention span shortens to nothing. If I am accepted I will leave my current clan due to the lack of wars and lack of members I see ingame. Thanks for reading.
Attached Files
#dontrush2k14.rpl (35.7 KB, 3 views)
#rippedINHALF.rpl (43.6 KB, 3 views)
chop chop!.rpl (35.7 KB, 3 views)
Spar.rpl (659.3 KB, 3 views)
#dontrun.rpl (63.0 KB, 3 views)
Originally Posted by Ceririty
Long app which could've been accepted

"Clan: The grid'
Leave previous clan to apply.
I did read your last part btw.
Dengue is a wizard.
[Nitro] | (KnC) | [Monk] | Gamer's Inc. | ViperTech and Cheshyre fanboy
Originally Posted by Ceririty View Post
Alright, I left my clan, hopefully I will be accepted. Thank you.

I vote yes, good guy
Last edited by belliveon; Nov 2, 2014 at 02:34 PM.
Ceirity, accepted.
/rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt /rt
IGN name: Aweribash

Age: 15

Belt(Minimum belt is black): Black Belt

The mods you are good at/you play the most: I like to play Mushu, Boxshu v3, and Twinswords 4 fixed. (Mushu is love... Mushu is life.)

Previous clans: I have never joined a clan before

The country you are from: I am from The Pearl of The Orient Seas! The Philippines! Where apparently, the government is too dumb to make laws that actually matter. ;-)

Some replays of yours:

Why do you wanna join us: B3Aquino wanted me to join, and so far, I can say that all the members of KnC that I have met are really cool. =)

Tell us a little about yourself: I'm awesome. ;-) Haha. Well, if you'd like to know about my hobbies, I love doing boxing and mma, even if it means going home with bruises and such on my body. I love personal development and I aim to be better than the person I was yesterday. It might sound hippie, but hey, it's motivated me to be one awesome mofo. I also like to read articles and self development stuff. I beat b3 in academics, btw (Yeah, b3. I read your recruitment form. :P) Also, b3 sees me as a manwhore. I guess I can't argue with him about that. xD
TLR - I'm a nerdy badass. xD

Thanks for your time. You guys stay awesome.
Attached Files
comeback.rpl (49.6 KB, 5 views)
pwnagegeyge3.rpl (40.8 KB, 5 views)
pawnmoidn.rpl (77.1 KB, 5 views)
jan kenneth34.rpl (43.9 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Aweribash; Nov 3, 2014 at 01:26 PM. Reason: Just wanted to add one more replay.
Originally Posted by Aweribash View Post
IGN name: Aweribash

Age: 15

Belt(Minimum belt is black): Black Belt

The mods you are good at/you play the most: I like to play Mushu, Boxshu v3, and Twinswords 4 fixed. (Mushu is love... Mushu is life.)

Previous clans: I have never joined a clan before

The country you are from: I am from The Pearl of The Orient Seas! The Philippines! Where apparently, the government is too dumb to make laws that actually matter. ;-)

Some replays of yours:

Why do you wanna join us: B3Aquino wanted me to join, and so far, I can say that all the members of KnC that I have met are really cool. =)

Tell us a little about yourself: I'm awesome. ;-) Haha. Well, if you'd like to know about my hobbies, I love doing boxing and mma, even if it means going home with bruises and such on my body. I love personal development and I aim to be better than the person I was yesterday. It might sound hippie, but hey, it's motivated me to be one awesome mofo. I also like to read articles and self development stuff. I beat b3 in academics, btw (Yeah, b3. I read your recruitment form. :P) Also, b3 sees me as a manwhore. I guess I can't argue with him about that. xD
TLR - I'm a nerdy badass. xD

Thanks for your time. You guys stay awesome.

Meet me ingame, i'll try test you
IGN: BuTeK161
Age: 17
Belt: Black belt
Mods: Judo, Greykido, aikido.
Previous clans: FANTA.
Country: Russian Federation
If it matters... I vote yes, he can easily manipulate his tori... The only downside is that he isn't too used to clicking the joints quickly, given that he's still new to being a blackbelt, I believe he can get used to the joint-orders over time

*To aweribash's app
MagmaClash Spastic023 ghostz11 Brie
Okay he was tested ingame and it's a yes from Babylon, elec and I, someone in it aweribash for me

Oh and also, I'm going to have to say no to BuTeK161, due to his poor set out of the application and he only left his clan around 5 minutes ago.
Sorry, try to apply again when your ready