Name: Jason Block
Date of Birth: July 30, 1998
Location: Norfolk, VA, (Virginia)
GMT: Standard eastern time
Primary Language: English
Secondary Language: None
Belt: Green Belt
Alternative Accounts: None
Preferred Mods: Aikido & Judo
Previous Clans: None
KBiography: I love video games and especially Toribash, I get along with everybody and I enjoy getting to meet new people and experience new things. I love the martial arts and the art of meditation.
Contact Info: (Facebook) Jason Block (Email)
[email protected] (Xbox Live Gametag) Freestyl304
Why I Want To Join: I want to join because I am looking to become more involved in the Toribash community and I want to become better at Toribash and help others become better.
What I Can Offer The Clan: I can offer my skill and my effort, I can offer my time and my experience to help the clan
Referred by: Nobody