Christmas Lottery
abyss is now (finally) an official part of Aeon.

Skylar was promoted to Elite.

Congratulations to both of them.
Alterations was kicked from Aeon for multiclanning.

We wish him/her best of luck in his/her future endeavours.
Lets Welcome our newest Trial Member

Congratulations motota you are now a Trial part of Aeon
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
^-^Join My Fan Club^-^Aeon Elite Video^-^
Join Aeon
Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
We regret to inform everyone that Tri2killme, Mega7Force and motota have been removed from the toriclan because of their severe inactivity.

Furthermore Spaft, our beloved Co-Founder was also removed due to his severe inactivity.

Bear in mind they are still a part of Aeon in our hearts and rehabilitation PM's have been sent to enable them to instantly rejoin should they become active again.