Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
You are confusing "freedom" with "influence". EVERYONE is free to donate money to campaign funds. Just that corporations are able to donate more.

If they're using a freedom that most other people can't, then yes they have access to more 'freedom'. They have more influence also, but that's only because they have that access to that freedom.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Also, just because someone has a lot of campaign funding does not mean that person is guaranteed to get elected. I could have all the funding in the world and still not get elected because I'm an asshole and only my mother would vote for me. Every politician has a company behind him. It's just a matter of which ones pick the right people to back.

Yeah, obviously not everyone gets elected. Those who do get elected, like you said, have companies behind them - which is the problem.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
It's always better for people who are experts in a subject to make decisions on that subject. That is not to say that laypeople are barred from voting for anything because they don't have a degree, but perhaps the experts' votes count for more than the average person.

Better decisions would probably be made, yeah. I'm not disagreeing with that part. But in the scenario Pig is proposing, your average guy isn't voting on anything. It's no less oligarchic than the current situation - it doesn't fix the problem of power not being in the hands of the people.
You can't say that everyone has to have exactly the same amount of freedom (if we are treating freedom as a measurement of what you can do like you have been doing). Fitter people have more freedom to compete in events. More talented people have more freedom to do shows and talent acts. Clever people (and unfortunately wealthier people) have more freedom to get good qualifications. Richer people have more freedom to donate or spend money. Freedom is not the problem. The problem is the future of countries and their governments being treated as an investment by companies who care about profit. If someone donates then the donation should be treated as a donation and not an investment.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
Freedom is not the problem. The problem is the future of countries and their governments being treated as an investment by companies who care about profit. If someone donates then the donation should be treated as a donation and not an investment.

But it's not treated as a donation. It's treated as a bribe. This is allowed because Justice Kennedy said so. His ruling is clearly the problem. He defends it by saying it's legal under freedom of speech because he applies freedom of speech to corporations.

The corporations' 'freedoms' is the problem. The bribeocracy is defended as constitutional. That's the problem.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
No. You've both missed the point of his ruling. His point isn't simply that freedom of speech means being able to donate money to political campaigns. His point is that this same freedom extends to corporations. They're allowed to give money because giving money is a part of their freedom of speech. Giving money = freedom of speech. What happens when you don't have money to give? You have less freedom. Contrary to your belief Pig, freedom is not a binary.

Freedom is binary, either you are free or you are not. There are no degrees of freedom.

Just because you are free to do X doesn't mean you have to, or that you physically can.

I think you have misunderstood the concept of freedom at some point.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
I'll rephrase your question and cut to the bottom line. Having a system where the people don't determine how they want to live is as bad as having a system where people don't determine how they want to live.

If they want to be influential in X topic, they need to pursue training first.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You're telling me Aristotle would argue for a system in which the people don't determine how the want to live? That's not only absurd, it's ridiculous.

What? No I'm not telling you that at all.

I'm not sure how you randomly came up with that, but that's not at all what I said, go reread my post.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Freedom is binary, either you are free or you are not. There are no degrees of freedom.

By your reckoning countries are either free or not free. Clearly some countries are more free than others. Clearly this indicates degrees of freedom. Clearly all of the freedom indices out there that demonstrate this means nothing to you or you've overlooked them. Clearly, freedom is not a binary.

But we'll have to agree to disagree, since, clearly, there's no way you'll ever change your mind.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If they want to be influential in X topic, they need to pursue training first.

So what? How does that make your system a system where the people have any say in decision making? It doesn't.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
What? No I'm not telling you that at all.

I'm not sure how you randomly came up with that, but that's not at all what I said, go reread my post.

You said his sentiments weren't valid because we live in larger communities. See, I'm saying, no matter the size of the community, he would certainly be against any system that divorces the citizens from decision-making - a system like yours, and a system like the current one.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
By your reckoning countries are either free or not free. Clearly some countries are more free than others. Clearly this indicates degrees of freedom. Clearly all of the freedom indices out there that demonstrate this means nothing to you or you've overlooked them. Clearly, freedom is not a binary.

I don't see how you a country could have more freedom of speech then another.

If you say "you are free to say what you want except X" then that's not free.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
But we'll have to agree to disagree, since, clearly, there's no way you'll ever change your mind.

Right, because you are so willing to change your mind...

If you come up with a coherent argument then I'll consider it.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
So what? How does that make your system a system where the people have any say in decision making? It doesn't.

They can if they gain the necessary credentials, but I don't think it's reasonable for a plumber to expect to have a say in world economics.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You said his sentiments weren't valid because we live in larger communities. See, I'm saying, no matter the size of the community, he would certainly be against any system that divorces the citizens from decision-making - a system like yours, and a system like the current one.

Ok? Well that's his opinion of course.

I don't think his ideas scale to countries with populations many times that of the entire world when he was alive.

I also don't see how requiring people to at least know what they are talking about before they are allowed to influence their country is a system where people are complete divorced from decision making.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
You can have freedom in certain different areas. The number and significance of these areas can mean that overall you have more freedom.
Good morning sweet princess
Expanding on Protonitron's statement, We'll say we have a country where you have freedom of speech, but not the right to own a firearm. Another country has neither, and yet another country has both. Obviously, the third country is freer than the other two, and the first is freer than the second. But when it comes to a specific issue, you are either free to do that something or you are not, as explained by Gorman's last post.

In England, as I understand it, you can say a great many things, but you can be placed under arrest if you insult the Royal family or make racist comments, or otherwise use your voice to disturb the peace. Even though people can say mostly anything they want, they do not have true freedom of expression, since there are a few things that are prohibited.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If you say "you are free to say what you want except X" then that's not free.

Yeah. It's mostly, or partly free. These non-binary scales are recognised by all the freedom indices.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If you come up with a coherent argument then I'll consider it.


Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
They can if they gain the necessary credentials, but I don't think it's reasonable for a plumber to expect to have a say in world economics.

I also don't see how requiring people to at least know what they are talking about before they are allowed to influence their country is a system where people are complete divorced from decision making.

Because you're creating a system in which the will of a few decide the fate of all. You're creating an oligarchy - this is no different from the situation we have now. I started this thread asking for suggestions on how to fix the current situation, not replicate it. This is why I won't agree with you.

Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
You can have freedom in certain different areas. The number and significance of these areas can mean that overall you have more freedom.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Expanding on Protonitron's statement...

As I've said to Pig, freedom indices (which often don't look at the holistic level of freedom, rather the specific areas Protonitron mention) all recognise multiple degrees of freedom. Certain situations aren't either free or not - there's a lot more grey area than you'd think. Freedom isn't a binary.
Last edited by Ele; Nov 19, 2014 at 03:10 AM.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig
I don't see how you a country could have more freedom of speech then another.

If you say "you are free to say what you want except X" then that's not free.

If someone is allowed to say more in one country, that country guarantees more freedom of speech.
Go ahead and make the argument that technically neither state has true freedom of speech, but it's a pedantic and meaningless point.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig
They can if they gain the necessary credentials, but I don't think it's reasonable for a plumber to expect to have a say in world economics.

Similarly, it is likewise unreasonable to deny that plumber the right to self-determination.

EDIT: Since you don't have an extensive expertise of political philosophy, every post you make rebuts your own argument, so that's kinda funny.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Nov 19, 2014 at 04:10 AM.
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