Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Express your anger at Shin-Yami
Do it now.

I thought this would be a fun idea because i said so.
  • Pissed off at me?
  • Annoyed at that guy who is annoying and posts worthless crap? (I wonder who that would be)
  • Some idiot at work got a payrise instead of you, and his name happens to sound strangely similar to Shin-Yami, making you indirectly pissed off at me?

If you answer yes to any of these, then you may post here.

Note: All posts in this thread will most likely include flames, or posts of an offensive, nerd rage nature.

All posts made by you are subject to flaming be either me, or some random fat American kid who thinks he's an internet tough guy.

ALSO! If you don't actually hate me, you can express your anger to me in this thread, about some other (bleep)tard.
I will try my best to give advice on how to mentally destroy them, as well as guidance in insulting techniques.

As posted - you may also express your anger at inanimate objects, like those (bleep)ing paper towels that tear to pieces in your hand when you wipe stuff. (bleep) THEM.

*cough* One time my ass *cough*

ALSO - If you don't already notice, this is a joke thread. L2SARCASM.
Last edited by MysticMog; Nov 4, 2008 at 12:49 AM.
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Ohai you suck bawls
Also, i was hoping this thread would say "Express your anger at inanimate objects" and you didn't name it that |:U so you suck bawls
Originally Posted by OfPhailure View Post
Ohai you suck bawls
Also, i was hoping this thread would say "Express your anger at inanimate objects" and you didn't name it that |:U so you suck bawls


That is all.
Last edited by MysticMog; Nov 4, 2008 at 12:23 AM.
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(bleep)ing Wankers. PS: I lol'd at Yourface's overly retarded post.

Oh, and Yourface's balls are this big-> ..
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I'm angering myself at YOURFACE!!! BURNS! jk jk

At Jim for changing his name. :P
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