Hey there
I´m Fritz Michel (17) aka. Dreamskip and i want to join Team Girl Scouts
GMT is
+2 and I´m currently
10th dan.
The mods I began with are aikido, abd, greykido and other aikido - based mods but when i reached 6th dan I tried to expand my versatility and started playing lenshu3ng, rk-mma, boxshu etc.
Clan history
As you see I´m still member of Hoax but the clan is getting more and more inactive, so that´s the reason why i consider leaving them. Hoax and EO are the only clans I ever joined and i stayed several years in both of them. (Loyalty confirmed ^^)
So why do I want to join [TGS]?
To begin with, all [TGS] members I have already met seem to be awesome and I enjoyed playing Tb with them (I look forward to meeting the other members I dont know yet). Secondly, I would consider myself an advanced/decent player and therefore think that I would fit right in this clan.
+ I like the Tag ;)
Other than my ingame skills I don´t have any talents that would be useful for the clan like art for example, I hope that´s not a problem for you guys.
I will enclose some replays (+ you should check out concon´s saveable week 20), but I would be more than happy to play against some of you in a private room to show you what im capable of.
I hope you guys accept me
and that you didn´t fall asleep while reading all of this ^^
Last edited by millie; Jul 4, 2016 at 02:30 AM.