Originally Posted by doobidoo3 View Post
nah he's not
hes gonna own as president

Everyone dies...

It's the only absolute in this world.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
I bet 90$ Obama will be shot within a year, any takers?

Shot, or killed?

At any rate, smart money is on attempts, not safety. :/
Just about every white supremecist group in the country has a target on Obama's forehead right now. I am of course NOT saying I want something to happen, but the unfortunate truth is that if they are not extremely careful with him, he may be at a very high risk of assassination.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
hidingwarrior adds another 90 to the pot

If I win, you pay me $180. If I lose, I'll be your slave. Ok?
I want it! I need it! Revenge is dripping from my teeth! It aint nothing, to feel power and bring my killers to their knees!
Im sure they are more than well aware of the risks. No one has successfully assassinated a president since Kennedy, they have tried, but they failed. Thats not to say it COULDN'T EVAH happen, but I would be really surprised if it did.

Do hill jacks know covert ops?
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I don't really care that much, seeing that i live a third of a world away, but i kind of hoped for, and expected Obama to win. Don't ask why though, i'd rather not go into politics. >_>
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
*eye roll* Does nobody understand how elections work?

Beeh, it's not based on population, but electoral votes...

Yes, Obama will win, but it's not truly official until all of the votes are in and counted, and then he will be the president-elect... he won't be president until he's sworn in.

Bush is still the president... for now.

Bush is actually still President until January 20th.

Although he basically has no power, and is a "Lame Duck."