It's fine, helping is good stuff. Send me a pm if you need anything done or organised or something, I'll probably forget to check this thread otherwise.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I'd love to help a good old friend out like alpha with his clan if you need any sort of help just shoot me a pm or anything btw my old name was mistermat2 xD not sure if you'll remember that either but we met when you would stream art
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]
Singing is a talent, too, so that's perfect.
When do you have time to discuss and make the final piece?
Let's do so together, maybe this sunday over Skype?
Well this situation will be tricky. This sunday I'm going home to Romania for few weeks, so sunday won't be possible. My tablet wasn't recognized there the last time I was there, which hopefully is fixed by now somehow, but if not then that will be an issue as well.
My store is done in a couple of days, and my computer is fixed. Ive got time to keep us alive. Does actually playing toribash need to be a thing or can we just be a forum clan?
i've recently decided i love aquariums, let us become aquarium masters?
Dude, you should totally make a thread about fish and aquariums.
We still need to come up with the picture for the event, right now I'm busy with holiday events but I think next week will be a nice time to design the picture.
Do you have some additional ideas on how to get more members, Nate?