Epic stories as usual. xD

Also, hey I got a cute little bichon puppy. That's why I'm a bit inactive! He pees a lot...even more than oldfart snake. XD
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
You'll have to teach him to do it outside.

At the moment he's still very young for that, I think! He's 2 month old. Another thing is that a storm hit here, so it's pretty cold outside. Don't want to risk him getting sick at the moment.

What me and my brother did is that we've specified a place where we put this thing: [img] SW-LSvcFLz653iPyXRJjA[img]

We take him there, and most of the time he pees. Though, mistakes still happen!

Also, good thing is that he sleeps a lot. :P

I recall you having a dog, right? Any tips are welcome!
Your messed up world enthrills me
Well, I got a dog 3 months old, and he also was like ''I'm gonna pee wherever I want and just watch me do it''. So we started to took notice of a time when he was doing it and take him outside to do it. Sometimes he would pee when taken outside, and sometimes he wouldn't.
When he would pee inside the house he would get a 'yelling treatment' when you yell at him ''WHAT DID YOU DO! HOW COULD YOU! LOOK AT THIS!'' showing him the place where he's done his bad thing. XD
But, he was stubborn, until he got a spanking of his life mixed with 'yelling treatment'. After that he was doing it outside for life. XD

Same with shitting. XD

Now he begs to go outside when he feels the need.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jan 8, 2015 at 02:27 PM.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Well, I got a dog 3 months old, and he also was like ''I'm gonna pee wherever I want and just watch me do it''. So we started to took notice of a time when he was doing it and take him outside to do it. Sometimes he would pee when taken outside, and sometimes he wouldn't.
When he would pee inside the house he would get a 'yelling treatment' when you yell at him ''WHAT DID YOU DO! HOW COULD YOU! LOOK AT THIS!'' showing him the place where he's done his bad thing. XD
But, he was stubborn, until he got a spanking of his life mixed with 'yelling treatment'. After that he was doing it outside for life. XD

Same with shitting. XD

Now he begs to go outside when he feels the need.

Haha! Man, I can't spank him. He's so CUTE.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Then start to enjoy the smell, color and look of dog piss and shit.
And I won't even start about dog vomit. You'll see.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Then start to enjoy the smell, color and look of dog piss and shit.
And I won't even start about dog vomit. You'll see.

There is no other way of teaching a dog other than spanking? There must be..positive about this.
Your messed up world enthrills me

Sci-fi horror survival game for 2-4 players where you take a role of a small
unit of marines in a salvage operation where they have to explore huge derelict in space,
bring ship systems online and face the horrific creatures that have slaughtered previous crew...

One of the possible layout of the ship. It's random every playthrough, depending on what do you draw from room tiles deck (and it's always shuffled before play), and also how many doors the room have and in which sides...

The Ship

Game has a 'horror build up' atmosphere at first since the first deck with encounters has only investigation cards where your team is getting clues of what has happened on that ship before your arrival. This also is a mechanic that randomly build creatures you will encounter later. So, basically, every playthrough while gaining different investigation cards you will build different enemies.

Maybe the ship will be full of zombies that can infect you, that are immune to fire and can make you paranoid, or is it a monster that with every hit mutates your team, rip their limbs and its only weakness is electricity... You build that future encounters while passing fist few rooms.

Then you get your mission from the command, that is always a first card in the DANGER deck which means you just depleted all cards from the INVESTIGATION deck (one is atop another). You get an order like ''Find a Ship's main bridge and go there''. So, that is your first part of the mission, just to get to that location.

During your travel there you will start drawing cards from the DANGER deck and that's when the encounters with creatures you have 'formed' with the previous investigations start to attack you. If you manage to get to the ship's bridge you draw a OBJECTIVE card from the deck that is fixed to a room location (various OBJECTIVE cards with the image of the Ship's Bridge). There you get a thing you need to do to finish the first mission and it can be many things.

No matter how you finish your first mission (success or fail) you then get another mission from the command for a new location where you will again draw new OBJECTIVE when you get there. IF you get there.

If you have at least 2 MISSION SUCCESS you WIN and the last thing you need to do i to get to the AIR LOCK from where you have started, and then the game ends.

At the beginning you form a team of 4 marines that can be specialized in different categories (like classes): SOLDIER, DOCTOR, ENGINEER and SCIENTIST. They are good in their class, but not so good in different roles, and you just don't know will you really need that much an ENGINEER or SCIENTIST for the mission or it will be crucial to have them to be able to finish the game. YOU JUST DON'T know that before the game starts because you don't know what will a mission and objective ask from you. So, a good all-around unit is a must.

Also, you can bring (instead of one of the human members) a MPD (Multipurpose Drone) which is a advance robot that can fight, heal, repair and do experimenting, not in a high level as other classes, but has a balanced characteristics for it.

Also, during a travel between rooms you can pick some new items (weapons, tools, many things) and learn a new surviving skill that can help you during the fights.

And that is the SALVAGE.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jan 10, 2015 at 02:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump