Well I have been really busy this past week. Haven't really been home for the past 5 days. I was hanging around with friends everyday. I was home really late and only had the energy to eat and play few songs on osu. I won't be on much this month as I have a lot of school work to do.
Kk I sent out all the PM's. I hope we will not need to get to drastic measures. I'll try to recruit when I have some free time.
Here is the list of members that has reported their inactivity:

Well, no words from the other half of the clan.
Yeah sorry I've been so inactive guys just been really busy, I'm sick at the moment though so I finally get a break, I'm in-game too.
Noted, thanks. I'll do my bit for recruitment in-game as well.
Welcome back, guys. So far it seems like we will lose a big chunk of our memberlist. I guess we will need to recruit new members so we can survive.

To raise some discussion, so people wouldn't lurk, what are you studying or planning to do after graduation? Personally, I'm graduating highschool next year and I have no ideas on what to do next. So ideas would be appreciated.
No idea at all, I dream big but just too lazy to do anything.
I'm the kind of guy who tend to focus on what's right in front of me, so my target for now is graduate as soon as possible.

I'd probably look for a steady job, living a normal live.