Timmy i already talked to bbking about the hall of fame a couple days ago. he said that hes going to do it.
Someone who thinks death is the scariest thing doesn't know a thing about life.
My idea was actually to put the member of the month in the hall of fame but I forgot to type that out.
Everyone would be able to vote but not for themselves.

i am a bird now - Lil B

I know. I was just saying that i talked to him a couple days back so you would know that hes working on it. he will probably take both of our ideas. Bye.
Someone who thinks death is the scariest thing doesn't know a thing about life.
Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
I got some ideas for threads I like to make and I would like to hear your opinions about these ideas.
One is to create a thread for the hall of fame, where the best behaving and most active member gets put up there.
I will try my best to keep that thread up and running. Everyone can vote but you cannot for for yourself (for obvious reasons).
This could be a great way to boost activity and to reward good clan behavior.

Also I would like to take over the tutorial thread. I know mamafeeds did his best to make this thread but I feel like I would be more fitted to do this.
This way it would be easier as well to sort out the tutorials that belong in this thread.

If i remeber i think i said this to king like months ago but idk what happended to it oh well its a great idea
Last edited by BBKing; Jan 17, 2015 at 10:13 AM.
So.. listen: 'Hall of Fame' isn't a big deal. Most of clans have a Thread like this.. (similar to 'Hall of Shame'). The reason why I didn't do it so far? Cause I need help. Can't do it by my own. Second point: I would like to give this thread more possibilities.. like other categories: ally of the month.. biggest fail.. best replay.. (for monthly updates) and the hall of the former monks: biggest donators.. longtime members.. (all this are just suggestions)

And once again, there's no matter who got the Idea.. You all gave so much inputs and every single idea was diffrent. The big thing is to bring all that stuff together.
Get one person (active) from every team to do this.
B4CK can do the replays since he is the master of replay making.
I can do the member of the month, most active member.
We can discuss this ingame.

i am a bird now - Lil B

I'd love to do a "Replay of the Month" thing. The replay should be announced at the last day of the month, or maybe the first day of the month after
Heart of Gold