Private: you become private when you have made an app and completed the in game test.
Corporal: you earn this by staying with the clan for a week or more with no bad reports.
Sergeant: you earn this by sending 1,000 TC or more to the bank and being in the clan for a weekk or more.
Majors: you earn this by sending 1,000 TC or more to the bank and staying with the clan for 4 weeks with no bad reports.
General: you are chosen to be this rank it can take time but just do as much for the clan as you can and maby you'll get it.
Leader / Co Leaders: this rank is given to people only by ninjaskils the leader of the clan.
(x) make an unofficial clan
( ) become official
(x) make a clanbank
(x) get 5 members
(x) get 10 members
( ) get 15 members
( ) get 20 members
(x) start a clan war
(x) win a clan war
( ) win 5 clan warss
( ) win 10 clan wars
( ) make 5 allies
( ) make 10 allies
( ) make 15 allies
( ) start a clan war
(x) get 1,000 in bank
(x) get 5,000 in bank
(x) get 10,000 in bank
( ) get 25,000 in bank
( ) get 50,000 in bank
( ) get 100,000 in bank