Original Post
Selling Marine Prmary & Secondary Gradient
Hello everyone, im selling a Marine Primary and Secondary Gradient of my deactivaded inventory.

Min Price: 375 TC for the two items, 190 TC for one of two gradients.

You are free to haggle to over, but dont make a offer below of 100 TC.
Hey, just as a reminder for the future: you must add a tag to your threads, according to the market rules.

Originally Posted by Market Rules
F) All threads (with the exception of the Requests board) must now have a tag, the tags are: [A]:Auction, [B]:Buying, [S]:Selling, [T]: Trading.
.....[A] : Auction : For auctioning off art/items.
.....[B] : Buying : For requesting art/items.
.....[S] : Selling : For selling art/items.
.....[T] : Trading : For swapping items

Also, it'd be very appreciated if you used terms such as "TC only" or "items and TC" in order to clearly specify the methods of payment you're accepting.
taking art requests for USD