Your Age
You are -1 years old.
You are -409 days old.
You are -9,801 hours old.
You are -588,011 minutes old.
You are -35,280,633 seconds old.

This makes you -1 years, 321 days, 15 hours, 49 minutes, and 26 seconds old

Your Birthday
You were born in 2008.

You were conceived around

You were born on a leap year.

You were born 1 days from Christmas and 8 days from New Years.

Your Julian Calendar Birthdate is 2454824.5.

Your Birthstone- Blue Topaz

Topaz is thought to prevent colds and other diseases, strengthen breathing, control angry passions, enhance creativity, increase understanding, bring relaxation, restore energy, and help in tissue regeneration.

Your Sign- Capricorn
Expenses on entertainment are likely to exceed today, says Ganesha. You are likely to achieve fame and respect in the society at large. Success will be there in your life but you may have to face bitterness and melancholy. Do not hurry in starting any new venture, dear Capricorn. Some unexpected monetary gains can make a rise in your income and you can plan to save them for your future.
Your Tree- Apple
This is Apple.


wow henry the 8th died on my birthday
icland became the first country to legalise abortion
Derek Bentley was hanged for killing a policeman
and the space shuttle challanger exploded killing everone on board

shit thats not a good sign
Hehe on my BIRTHDAY Benito Mussolini became Prime Minister and Dictator of Italy =)

On mine the Gulf War started. Known that for years.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
You are 13 years old.
You are 5,014 days old.
You are 120,353 hours old.
You are 7,221,184 minutes old.
You are 433,271,049 seconds old.

This makes you 13 years, 269 days, 17 hours, 4 minutes, and 9 seconds old

That's pretty cool. =P