Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Trying to make MLG themed character
I have saved up 27,000 TC since I started playing and I want to spend that on sounds and textures with a MLG theme.

As far as I know I have to buy the texture for each body part and then I can edit them and upload a texture I made to replace the standard one. Same goes for sounds.

Is this the case?

I don't want to waste hours of work buying useless items.

Edit: with the cost of stuff I'll be able to get:
Head: 20,000
Kiai sound: 1,000
Grip sound : 5,000

Everyone is going to know they are about to get rekt.

I would like to get the win sound (lots of mlg horns, snoop dog, iluminati sound) but at 50,000 TC it will take 5,000 wins or 6 month to a year of effort. That will be a long term goal. I'd be 6th dan then lol.
Last edited by ShovelMLG; Feb 27, 2015 at 09:40 AM.