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Reaper has alot of really strong members in it and how do you mean by stable member?
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
i mean, are you the kind that join and quit after a month?
We are looking for stable members we can relate to. Hang around the forum for a while and we will see.
As long as this clan has active and social members I wont have a reason to quit to leave, and I only leave clans as a last resort.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
requesting re-invite <3
hey guys soz i was away on the active call just beenbussy with some stressfull stuff :3 but im back
Hi, My real life name is David im 15 years old iam Master belt playing for about 3 years I live in Israel my GMT is +2 I can rate my forum activity as 6/10 and i can rate my in game activity as 8/10 (started to play more often) the clans i was in them: Barmy,Virus,Sinon and much more i just cant remember sorry for that. reasons i was kicked/exit are because:
1st reason: forum inactivity
2nd reason: some members hated me
3rd reason: they didnt want me in clan wars
I play alot of aikido also playing ABD,judo,jousting and funny mods just when iam bored i like very much pets and i got a cat named Jolly its a sphinx cat i love to play with him alot also i like soccer iam pretty good at it and iam good at running and jumping for high.
i dont really remember about infractions but about bans i got like 3-4 that are expired (iam not doing bad things anymore).
so i saw some members from the clan nice ppl and i always wanted to be a part of this clan but i was a really low belt that time but now i did the app and i hope do get in. ty for reading my app.
sorry for bad english iam living in a country where we dont speak english.