Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[SOLVED] accidentally put wrong price in market
i was going to put my quicksilver force in the market for 11k and accidentally typed 1100 any help pls ?
[OFRO] | [MLO] | [LoP] | [TMM] | [TTO]
PM If Want This Cheaper
Gotta be careful Youngthug

Lots of bots on the market auto buying items, your best bet is to pm the person who bought it and ask for it back, if they say no there's nothing anyone can do.

Just take it as a lesson and move on is my advice
1. Name threads in descriptive way. "fuck" doesn't inform of the thread's content. Next cases of breaking this rule might result in infractions. Please red the board's rules.

2. Quoting market rules
E) In the event of a user's mistake resulting in a market bot purchasing their item, they must be refunded in full by the bot owner (provided the bot owner is notified within 48hrs of the purchase). Note: We consider it a mistake if the item is listed for sale on the market with a price under 25% of its market value at the time. This is subject to the discretion of the market squad in the event of unusual circumstances.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos