He has no tc currently. Chemical you can't promise tc without having it.
Very nice set Novai, great mapping, but the side flaps are kind of out stretched a bit too much.
Edit: Joints in the replay will look exactly like the texture, but in editing mode your current force will influence the joint color, I have full 512 joints and I use pure force and relax to see my texture in editing as it should look.
Edit x2: If your only buying 128 joints this sets going to look pretty crappy.
Last edited by zubin; Mar 14, 2015 at 07:34 PM.
Originally Posted by ChemicalE View Post
Eh, I'll deal with being poor, but I've dreamed of this set for a while. Thanks for the hinters rune.

No problem, I was just saying.
Anyways I'm working on a white tuxedo but it's for myself I'll send you pictures when I'm done. So we can compare ;)
Originally Posted by ChemicalE View Post
That's awesome Rune, nice to meet you btw. Thank you for helping out Novai too.

You too haha. ;)
I'll be watching the developpement of this set via this thread,
and I'll probably be doing some annoying cnc but it should help in
the construction of your set.
I think that's awesome. I wish I were an artist yourself. And I'm sure Novai doesn't mind it too much, he's doing a great job though.
I do accept items, but you'd have to tell me what you can offer.


If you want I can make the side flaps go inwards more too.
Last edited by Novai; Mar 14, 2015 at 09:42 PM.