Christmas Lottery
Name: Ingame: Hulk30000 Rl: Matharu
Belt: 9th Dan :3
Age: 16
Reason why you want to join: I had a long Toribash break and came back yesterday. I really want to become an active Part of the Toribash Community. I think C3 is a good way to come back into Toribash. I've heard alot good things about C3.
Your favorite mods: I like ABD,BoxshuV2 and Parkour stizzle :3

There is more stuff I could talk about but I'm lazy as fuck and my English sucks ^.^
I think thats everything you need to know about me.

I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Vindeper (Dylan IRL)
Reason why you want to join:
I would like to get back into the Toribash community via the means of being active in a clan.
Your favorite mods, things you lack at
doing and what you need help with if any.

I'm quite proficient in Aikido and Judo and I'd say my best mod is Lenshu. I haven't played Toribash in quite a while and although I was able to pick up my MP skills again my SP (Replay making) skills seem to be lacking, with only a small number of mediocre replays on my new PC.
Tell us about yourself. Who are we recruiting.
I'm quite laid back and adaptable but also competitive and serious at the same time, very strange combination I know, but I think I'm a fairly decent bloke (yes I'm Australian). Any other questions that you may have about me I can answer ingame or on IRC
What kind of hobbies do you enjoy.
I play football/soccer (depends where you guys are from) at quite a high level on Friday's and Saturday's, and I'd say that's probably my main hobby.
Got a favorite band? You play guitar? You love video making? Etc.
It's an abstract one, and you may not have heard of him but my favorite artist would have to be E-Dubble, check him out he's pretty good. I'd say I'm above average at video-making and I used to make textures so I'm sure I could pick that up again too.

I hope you take my request into consideration and see me as a worthy candidate,
Name: Ninjacam
Belt: 5th Dan
Age: 14 (15 in a few weeks)
Reason why you want to join: Because I want to be in an active clan where everyone communicates and this clan seems to fit that purpose.
Favorite mods: Aikido
Tell us about yourself: I am a very active person but can be lazy sometimes, play the guitar sometimes, 162 cm tall
What do you lack in: Starting moves.
What kind of hobbies do you enjoy: Skating, playing the guitar.
Favorite band would probably have to be A7x
Reason why you want to join:I want to be apart of a growing community and help out

Favourite mods: I like Wushu,Mushu,Boxshu,Aikido (and ABD) and judo.

Past clan(s): Innerfury

Learning curve: When I joined IF I had a member teach me how to save from a DQ

Objectives for the clan: I plan to be apart of clan wars and help this clan Thrive

Knowing the clan: I plan to use the forum more often to be intouch with as many members and if that fails I will start to use IRC.

Motto: When one dies a thousand rise.

Really short :/ sorry I'm against the clock for my Nan's funeral.
If you need an edit I am happy to.
I'd like to thank everyone I was friends with here.
You guys know who you are, I appreciate you all.