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[SOLVED] How much Data / Bandwidth does online multiplayer use?
Hope this is the right place. Tried to use the search function but...yeah. $10 to ask a question, no thanks.

I have a limited monthly cap on data-usage, so I don't often play online games. Looking at the way TB is set up though, I'm hoping that maybe there's not that much actual data being transferred, but I may just be getting my hopes up. (Since it's just joint states, and not real-time motion?)

If anyone's checked on this, or has some idea of say, MB per hour while connected to an online server, it would be greatly appreciated.

I had a second question as well, somewhat related to the first.

I prefer to avoid downloads of ANY kind unless they're intentional, so how do the mods work. If I load them once, is that mod now in my "inventory", to where I could play Single Player with it even if my internet wasn't connected? Or have all the mods in the list already been dloaded to the game's folders? Or am I re-downloading them every time I switch? (God I hope not)
Last edited by zathura2; Mar 27, 2015 at 05:29 PM. Reason: Questions have been answered.
You seem stingy as fuck with data use. But I can answer your second question.
Every time you load a mod, it downloads it to your toribash client. And this also goes for other player's custom tori's and textures. They remain in the folder, and stay there. Accessed each time a mod is loaded. So yes. You can play mods offline.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
But I can answer your second question.
Every time you load a mod, it downloads it to your toribash client. And this also goes for other player's custom tori's and textures. They remain in the folder, and stay there. Accessed each time a mod is loaded. So yes. You can play mods offline.

Thank you, that's what I was expecting, but it's a relief anyway.

This was kind of uncalled for, though:

"You seem stingy as fuck with data use."

I get charged $10 for every GB of overage, and I'm already paying an arm and a leg for the basic plan. It's not ideal, but I'm so far out in the boonies, it's my only option.

Sorry that doesn't appeal to you, but you'd be stingy too, if you had the same restrictions. :/
I remember there being some thread about this before. I can't seem to find it however. Anyways, depending on how much you play and download, there shouldn't be all that big of a dent. Though some people will differ on this. I haven't tested it all that thoroughly, but I think if you type in /opt autoupdate 0 when the game starts, it stops the game from downloading you (not sure about others). But the only real way to find out how much data it takes is to just experiment.
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In summary:

You have the option of making your Custom folder "Read only" to stop constant downloading of peoples textures.

An extreme measure, but the easiest.

However, if you want to see (which is the almost all of any downloading TB does) textures but don't want to have net issues because you're worried on constant lag of the game itself (which can cause crashes, pings, floodkicks... etc.) turn off all of the asthetics you feel able to lose without ruining your experience;
Shaders (inc. sub obtions)
Flames (Particles)
Body Textures
Hair (Shader hair as well ofc)

~ Note. The second option doesn't stop them downloading things(pretty sure), just makes them low quality/not viewable.
Last edited by Icky; Mar 27, 2015 at 07:08 AM.
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24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

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Thank you very much, the links were helpful. I'll go ahead and lock the custom folder and probably use /opt autoupdate 0 as an extra measure.

I'll also mark this as solved. Thanks for the responses.