Originally Posted by SoSweg14 View Post
My name is Logan, I'm 13 years old i have been playing tb for About 1 year - 2 years im a black belt and my main game mode is mushu or judo, i live in the U.S but i can also speak some spanish, i play very often.

My other clans were: Mewfin, Sinon, ShadO

Im on forums occasionally but i wouldn't expect to see me on them all the time

I am really good at communication and sharing my ideas to help other people, I can make replays and help people with moves.

I have a pretty high tolerance, and medium temper, IF someone is doing something wrong i will try to improve on it but i won't be a smart allic and correct it. Reaper seems like a really good clan for me to help out and be helped and iplan on staying as long as possible.

p.s my game name is the same as forum name

Originally Posted by MasterTech View Post
Totally applying,

Sup, my name is Jayson, I'm 14 years of age and have been playing TB for 5 years. I'm a 6th dan and I live in England (GMT +/-0). I don't post on the forums but I'm usually on them, browsing. I play everyday except saturdays.

I've had quite a few previous clans: Magnificent, FC, Rejected, Ascend, exiles(my clan), KnC, Nitro, Electric.

I got kicked from Magnificent (Forum Inactivity), I left FC (I didn't like it's direction, it was rank 56 when I left), Rejected died, I left Ascend (I was gonna quit TB but decided not to), I left exiles (my clan it died), I got kicked from KnC (Kikipro was being racist and he didn't like it when I told him it was wrong, or something), I got kicked from Nitro (DJVenom173 told lies but they believed him), I left Electric (I didn't use forums at all really)

I don't have any "special" skills but I can do some simple art, I can make replays, I'm really good in ABD, that's about it. I haven't been banned or had any infractions, I'm a good boy m9.

I have a really low tolerance level and a very low temper, but being around people that brighten my day just make me slightly more carefree, I feel like Reaper can offer this along with being able to actually play the game and enjoy the more serious side of it.

I hope I'm considered
Yours Sincerely,

Not for both.
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
Why do I have a feeling that hey're the same person?

Nah, I don't think so.
I played with both of them, and I think they have different Skills
Originally Posted by MasterTech View Post
Totally applying,

Sup, my name is Jayson, I'm 14 years of age and have been playing TB for 5 years. I'm a 6th dan and I live in England (GMT +/-0). I don't post on the forums but I'm usually on them, browsing. I play everyday except saturdays.

I've had quite a few previous clans: Magnificent, FC, Rejected, Ascend, exiles(my clan), KnC, Nitro, Electric.

I got kicked from Magnificent (Forum Inactivity), I left FC (I didn't like it's direction, it was rank 56 when I left), Rejected died, I left Ascend (I was gonna quit TB but decided not to), I left exiles (my clan it died), I got kicked from KnC (Kikipro was being racist and he didn't like it when I told him it was wrong, or something), I got kicked from Nitro (DJVenom173 told lies but they believed him), I left Electric (I didn't use forums at all really)

I don't have any "special" skills but I can do some simple art, I can make replays, I'm really good in ABD, that's about it. I haven't been banned or had any infractions, I'm a good boy m9.

I have a really low tolerance level and a very low temper, but being around people that brighten my day just make me slightly more carefree, I feel like Reaper can offer this along with being able to actually play the game and enjoy the more serious side of it.

I hope I'm considered
Yours Sincerely,

Master have patience.
They will let you know once they have made a full decision rushing them to give you an answer probably wont help your application and may actually put some of the members off saying yes.
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019