And some articles suckin' Floyd's dick like he's some kind of tactical genius or something, any morron in good physical shape can score body hits and run for 30mins, exploiting a broken sport during self-picked fights doesn't prove someone to be some kind of god of boxing.
And that dude interviewing Pacq at the end of the fight was a sold cunt as well, how can you say to Pacq "You didn't attack as much as you should have" or some shit like that ? That's some pretty fuckin poor analysis, If Pacquiao boxed like Mayweather there would have been no fight at all, if he tried to attack more he would have exposed himself for more points farming.
I'm not a boxing specialist, I watch the olympic games and some random fights on youtube from time to time, but that "fight" was just terrible. If it was an exhibition fight I wouldn't care at all, but giving Mayweather a title after that fight is just bullshit, he only deserves the pussy-ass title.
I don't even cheer for Pacquiao initially, I don't give 2 craps about supporting boxers. But that fight just made me despise Mayweather, and boxing in general. It felt like a scenarized political event, with "Money" winning in the end. Fuckin trash fight.
Last edited by deprav; May 3, 2015 at 06:59 PM.