Christmas Lottery
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[Music] Nightcore covers
Hello everybody ! , i decided to make one thread for all the Nightcovers i gonna make in the future . I gonna list them below here so you can check them out !

If you enjoy it subscribe to my channel ! ;)

Kesha - Sleazy Nightcore Version

Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon Nightcore Version

There is some stuttering going on. You might want to check some latency settings.
That aside, are you sure you haven't just sped up the songs?
And I'd really want to see some proof of you doing anything else besides speeding up the songs and/or putting some filters on top.

Oh, also, include software used, please.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
I use audacity and windows movie maker. I pitch the songs up and make the tempo faster. Atm i don't have my own song , only covers in nightcore version .
If that is the case, I am forced to close the thread, since you haven't done anything that actually requires effort or imagination.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc