*Name (Actual): Aaron.

*Date of Birth: 12/18/97

*Location: Born and raised in New York for 16 years and now reside in Arizona.

GMT: (UTC-07:00) Arizona

Primary Language(s):English

Secondary Language(s): Basic Spanish

Belt: 3rd Dan Black Belt

Alternate Accounts: No current alt accounts.

Preferred Mods: I enjoy a wide variety of mods but my top 3 favorites would have to be wushu, aikido, and judo.

Previous Clans: iCoF. Very old clan. Nothing wrong with it. Amazing players and amazing clan. Left due to inactivity.

ºBiography: I'm assuming you want me to tell you a little about myself here so I'll tell you some of my interests and hobbies. I work a job, skate, and I play Toribash in my freetime, and I am studying in psychology.

*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.)

Why You Want to Join: I love being apart of a community.

What You Can Offer The Clan: After iCoF died I have been longing to join another clan to put my time and effort into. I will help with anything I could be of use for

Thank you for your time and consideration. I will be looking forward to hearing your response.
Back from the dead.
Excellent welcome to elite (unless I get messaged any complaints.)

Also guys, working on changing the ranks so stay tuned.
your new recruit applied for multiple clans including ours.

Lel's app

Last edited by Goat; Jun 17, 2015 at 04:52 AM.
Thanks for informing us, Goat
Lel's kicking in progress...
Last edited by Saiko; Jun 17, 2015 at 06:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Discord : bintangfal
actually, we don't need to kick him, after all we need a fresh blood, but yeah it's just my opinion
u wot m8