Yo, wassup I'm here applying for tldr. I want to tell you the true about me Well, I'm 14 my real name is Jean But, you could call me Vernaux Or Jean Does not really matter to me
Next, my previous clan I have been in is Light, I left light because the clan keeps inviting skilled alts to defend them self In clan wars. I don't like the fact they depend on skilled alts to defend them.
Why I want to join tldr? Well, I would like to join because I wanted to find a clan that I could spend my time in Never getting kicked out or leaving I will Just like to stay put in the clan. The reason why I picked tldr is because I meet some cool new awesome member's That I could maybe talk to and to be there friend's
What can I give the clan? Well, first off I could give the clan respect By listening to what yall saying to me second, I could give the clan Game activity and forums Activity I don't post that much cus, mostly all the forums don't talk about me When someone need me to be activity I could do that job
I'm also going to be on #tldr IRC all Day ever day. if you need me just talk to me be IRC
If you want my skype or anything Please Pm me
Zwouter question: I could give you respect By listening What is right from all the members.
Zwouter question: I could be Forum activity Seen I'm joining this clan I have to be Forums actvitity right.
Yeah golden, I think you're thinking of griDx24, who deleted his app after the first negative comments. Generally when people delete their apps we don't let them in.