Christmas Lottery
Original Post
u want ub3rness? IT IS IN THIS THREAD :OOOOO (srsly)
title says it all...well not rly :P

: well what inspired me is this one replay i saw that yosaku made....i forget what its called though

: i think its a pretty cool boom kick becuase i was just playing around and i was trying to flip over uke by grabing his arm, but then i saw an oppertunity to do an epic decap, and it did more than that :P
Attached Files
~mega_ub3r_pwnzome_decap.rpl (65.8 KB, 26 views)
0tehboomshizlekick01.rpl (60.7 KB, 20 views)
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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as Serixc said, it's a decent decap. Good, but nothing especially great.

the "boomsizlekick" isn't what I'd call a boomkick, at least not a single one, because you first land a straight kick, then knee the rest of uke. Also the grab here really makes it look odd...
I refuse to grab.
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