Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[elite] ingame meeting.
Hey there! I was thinking about planning an ingame meeting so we can play together, so if you're interested. Please tell me when you can so we can arrange it so as much elite members will there as possible! So we can rek some mofo's hehe.
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy
Due to not having any laptops or computers there and because school is near, I can't go ingame

But when I visit the internet cafe, I do always play tb, ill tell you when I could

Discord : bintangfal
Me just like Azion. I'm busy of school and serving for Jesus, so, if I have a free time and if I have enough money to play TB in the internet cafe, of course I'll join
Whenever you log on just /sa elite to find any elite members online.

I usually just hang out in random servers but I've been VERY busy in real life atm and haven't gone on as much (even on forums :/.)
Originally Posted by tantoehard View Post
Yea I know /sa (Too bad the result is always the same.... >.> )

haha i know your feeling
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .