Original Post
It's good for being your first head. The shading is quite good to be honest.
It needs eyes though. Like anime eyes.
Good job. 7/10.
Trying won't kill you, try to draw eyes, re-draw them, draw them once again until you think they look good enough. Practise makes perfect, as for what you have right now, it looks decent, I would suggest to try the same concept a few times, change the hair style, change the mouth (for example, open mouth, smile, mad). Try experimenting with differnt expressions and you should be good to go, I like how you didn't use too many hard lines on the hair, good job.
It looks nice, well you're good for now at first it looks like a weird head, but when you compared it with the template or even use it to your tori, it looks well-maped, this is nice for a first headtexture. Try to add some shading on the face maybe.

Have you draw something before? The hair looks nicely done though, you just need to redesign the face and stuff. Try to draw the face first before drawing a hair for the head. It'll turn out nicer that way.
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