Christmas Lottery
I'm such a bad host haha, usually get bored fast and troll my own server. It's a good laugh with friends but I usually lost more money than I made!

I prefer joining servers rather than hosting them, maybe I'll try again though if I see a lot of people online.
lol but you can get the hosting tc back in less than 20min for the nudges (asked BBking).
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Its quite easy, get some big names in there (aka Snook ;) ) And people will come on their own, but we need atleast 3 elite members in there anyway since it needs to be active to begin with before people come. And how much money you make, relies on your luck! Just start out cheap, thats all I can say.
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy
Still not very likely the sever will catch a lot of attention with just 2 people. Just sayin
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy
rewards thread to show what we win in events and shit.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Iol this isnt an idea but im working in clan logo xD
For that i just need what the leaders or everyone send me a nice pose with medium graphics (if anyone cant do it on max...)
And other idea is make a section of players with a photo of them, have a tourneys rank upgrades system (Ex: if i win a rank tourney i got accend to a better rank and more permissions, one per month will be good)
Sometimes do a recuitment server
And do internal tourneys (ex: you need to pay 1k or 500 tc to join the tourney and 50% are for the winner and the other 50% for the clan bank)
Another idea is have a clan bank
Idk tell me what i can do of all that list, im probably the activest member ingame of the clan...?
I can host recruitement servers if I get someone to do it with, doing it alone is a bit annoying'
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy